Sunday , 8 September 2024

Health & Beauty

Unlocking the Value: The Essential Role and Surprising Affordability of Life Insurance

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Unlocking the Value: The Essential Role and Surprising Affordability of Life Insurance In the realm of personal finance, life insurance often occupies a misunderstood position. It’s frequently viewed as a luxury, its importance overshadowed by immediate financial obligations or investment opportunities that offer tangible returns. However, delving deeper into the nature and benefits of life insurance reveals its undeniable significance …

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Don’t Let Valentine’s Day Ruin Your Love! By Griselda Valencia LMFT & Thomas Castro LMFT.

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Valentine’s Day, with its romantic ideals and commercial pressures, often sets high expectations for couples worldwide. As a marriage counselor, I’ve observed that while this day is meant to celebrate love, it can inadvertently cause stress, disappointment, and even conflict among partners. The essence of lasting love is found in the daily acts of kindness, understanding, and support, not just …

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Couple’s guide to starting a business together By Tabish A. Naz, MD and Mehmiya Z. Raghid, MD

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Any small business owner can testify that you can’t do it all in one day, but give it your all and leave the rest for tomorrow. While that may be the case for many, we have recently found that to not be entirely true. As a husband-wife team, we recently made our lifelong goal of opening a medical practice a …

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