Thursday , 17 October 2024

What kinds of exercises are most effective for weight loss?

Article By: Sami Nordlund Forever Fitness

If exercise doesn’t appeal to you, then the answer is…whatever exercise you are willing to do.

Any exercise is always better than none.

People just beginning their weight loss journey or those returning to it often voice concerns about burn out.  And for that reason, it is always best to start slow and work your way up to a regiment that works for you.  Strength training is often one of the best places to start. The more muscle you build, the more fat you burn. This doesn’t mean you have to end up big and bulky. You can be lean while also muscular.  Something to keep in mind when considering weight training is that muscle takes up less room than fat.

One of the key benefits of strength training is that it continues to work for you long after the workout is complete.  As mentioned above, the more muscle you build, the more fat you will burn, even while resting post workout. Strength training increases your metabolism. Combined with dialing in your nutrition, strength training can help you reach your weight loss goals and maintain them over time.

Cardio is often the go-to for people when they think weight loss. While I believe that everyone needs a healthy balance of cardio and strength training, cardio does not provide the same metabolic rate benefits on its own. Of course, you burn calories during a cardio workout, but the post workout metabolic rate settles quite quickly after the workout. Many people who primarily do cardio, end up burning muscle right along with fat.  Muscle is precious calorie burning cargo that you want to keep! 

HIIT, or high intensity interval training, is a great combination of both strength training and cardio and can provide the benefit of high calorie burn during the workout and calorie burn after because you have built muscle as well as raised your heart rate. HIIT is a great metabolism booster.  There are different versions of HIIT, and some are more intense than others incorporating plyometric exercises that can intimidate newcomers.  Don’t be intimidated though!  HIIT can be done by newcomers and seasoned exercisers alike. You don’t have to jump and run to do HIIT, low impact is always an option. Be careful to not overdo HIIT as there can always be too much of a good thing. HIIT can be very taxing on your nervous system, so incorporating it 2x a week can be very beneficial but much more can lead to injuries or draining your system and losing your momentum.


Many people are unsure where to start with strength training, so they often fall back to what is comfortable, which ends up being cardio. I see you on that treadmill! If you need help getting started with and incorporating strength training into your regiment, I would love to help! Reach out below to get the ball rolling.

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